Today was one of my favorite days here.
YSEALI Fall 2019 University of Montana cohort went to Missoula International School. We were teaching them about Southeast Asia.

Indonesia was divided by two group. Iqbal and I were teaching two classes in 3rd grades (7-8  y.o). I do love them so much. Their eyes when they saw us, when they listened to our explanation. And d has a the most thing I love is how they gave us soooooo unique question. Like... Whats your favorite food? Whats you wearing everyday in Indonesia? What it that mean? Et cetera. They just asked without thinking so harder. I love it so much.

And it make me think about one thing: how come? How come they can be so smart. Totally different when I was kid. I think I didn't ask like that or maybe didn't have any bravery when met new people. In MIS, the students also learn Spanish. Most of their conversation using Spanish, but when we talked with us, they using English. Excellent!

On this day, YSEALI fellows also had has a chance to wearing our traditional costume. But it was not a mandatory. Personally I was wearing a simple modified my hometown tradtional costume from Bajawa. I was wearing a black culot and blouse mixed with 'Lesu'in my head and 'Kasa Sese' as my shawl. Basicly, Bajawa traditional attire is dominated by black and yellow. It was representate thorugh my shawl: a loyality sign!

After we finished teaching MIS students, we went to panel disscussion about Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia. Clara, Abrao, Tai, and Matt were our representantive today. Today session was not so tight. We had a collaborative project meeting with Dr. Nicky and Alex (GTA) to preview our proposal. The rest of this evening, some of us went to Best Buy and Target. Other fellows bought some stuff, to me it was time to window shopping! lol.

And now I just finished this writing.... and waiting for my laundry.



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