Imagine you are faced with a critical challenge, but you have limited skill, competence, and support to overcome it. Are you sure you can combat that? You might be able to solve the obstacle, but are you sure it will obtain maximum outcomes? A similar analogy might be implied for one of the most critical health cases in Indonesia: stunting. Are you sure we can combat stunting if our resources have limited skill and competence, as well as an unsupported policy? According to the Indonesia Nutritional Status Survey (2022), the province with the highest case of stunting is Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Stunting is more than a short stature. It has a strong connection to the long-term life of a human being. Theoretically, stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience as a result of inadequate psychosocial stimulation, repeated infections, and poor nutrition. Some of those consequences include poor cognition and educational performance, low adult wages, lost pr...
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines value as: (1) the monetary worth of something; (2) a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged; (3) relative worth, utility, or importance; (4) something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable; and (5) a numerical quantity that is assigned or is determined by calculation or measurement. In essence, value is defined as a paramount aspect. Furthermore, in the context of daily life, Bob Rue (2001) states that values are the essence of who we are as human beings. Our values get us out of bed every morning, help us select the work we do, the company we keep, the relationships we build, and ultimately, the groups and organizations that we lead. Moreover, our values influence every decision and move we make, even to the point of how we choose to make our decisions. How you define value? Photo credit to Therefore, when it comes to talking about personal values and workplace value...
Warisan dan situs budaya di Sianjur Mula-mula memang berlimpah, seperti yang pernah saya katakan. Tempat yang ingin saya ceritakan ini terletak di Bukit Sulatti, Desa Limbong-Sagala. Tempat ini akrab disebut Sopo Guru Tatea Bulan. Sopo dalam bahasa Batak Toba berarti rumah. Tempat ini menjadi gambaran cerita kehidupan dari putera sulung Siraja Batak: Guru Tatea Bulan. Kesan pertama melihat tempat ini saya pikir tempat ini merupakan kuburan. Apalagi saat saya tiba, terdapat beberapa orang yang ramai seperti sedang berziarah. Sopo Guru Tatea Bulan tampak depan Patung keempat pelayan Raja (empat sebelah kiri) Dugaan saya salah. Tempat ini merupakan saksi bisu beragam cerita sakti Sang Raja juga keturunan serta kerabatnya. Tidak hanya sebagai saksi bisu tempat ini juga menjadi tempat ziaraah, berdoa, serta pemujaan kepada leluhur bagi mereka yang percaya. Pada bagian depan Sopo terdapat 4 patung perempuan di sebelah kanan yang sedag menumbuk padi dan 3 patung p...
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