Today I learned about youth engagement and group project collaborate. 
Class started at 09.00 in Forward Montana, Missoula. Actually, Forward Montana is a community which not only concern in resources but also organization training and mobilizing young people. 
There was Erin Miller, the Field Manager of FM, explained alot things about how Forward Montana engaging youth.  

First session, we discussed about the common assumption about youth to bring and make-up our mind. This session was bridging an intoroduction about 'What Forward Montana Do'. Erin explained. Briefly, Forward Montana has 4 focusses work, among others, quantitative, qualitative, citizenship, humor and fun, the last but not least, leadership development. 

Recently, their focus in on how to engage young people to vote. They have 'Knock-out Campaign' as a one tool to reach goal. This campaign mechanism quite simple yet challenging. The campaigner must knock stranger's house, build a conversation about voting and make people who say no to vote to become say yes for vote. 

If they push you down just try to face it up. If they reject you just try to build the conversation. We were trying so hard the practical of this campaign between all fellows. It was fun and challenging. We discussed alot things. Class ended on 11.30, we were ready to next session on campus. 

On the next session we learned about Transboundary Protected Areas with Dr. Len. After that we did some preparation for group collaborative project with Dr. Nicky. I was in Biodiversity Group with Angain from Malaysia, Woon from Singapore, and Ruzzel form Phillipine. It'll be fun. I do sure. 

Today I learned alot about collaboration. From Forward Montana, from Dr. Len class', and for sure from collaborative group project. As same as programs' goal, collaborative is a main point that we build now. It's not a choice, it's a mandatory.



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